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The Battle Of Warsaw, often referred to as "The Miracle Of The Vistula" was a turning point in Polish History. 1920 The Miracle Of The Vistula - 1920 Cud Wisły

by Piotr Wilkosz And Rafał Quirini-Popławski

Our Price: $49.95
5 in stock!
303 Squadron: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron - Softcover 303 Squadron: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron - Softcover

By Arkady Fiedler

Our Price: $21.95
Sale Price: $15.85
8 in stock!
This book is primarily intended to supplement lectures on the history of Poland for English-speaking students who increasingly come to Poland on various foreign exchange programs or as individuals. A History of Poland In Outline

by Robert Bubczyk

Our Price: $29.95
Internet Special $18.73
12 in stock!
A Homeland Denied: In the Footsteps of a Polish POW A Homeland Denied: In the Footsteps of a Polish POW

By Irena Kossakowski

Our Price: $22.95
11 in stock!
This is a biography of one of the most undervalued commanders of the Second World War, General Stanislaw Maczek, a soldier overlooked by most military historians in the West both because he was Polish and above politics. A Military Government in Exile

By Evan McGilvray

Our Price: $49.95
5 in stock!
A daughter’s account of her mother’s wartime experiences and postwar struggle to rebuild her life A Polish Doctor in the Nazi Camps

By Barbara Rylko-Bauer

Our Price: $19.95
Internet Special $17.57
6 in stock!
A Question of Honor is the gripping, little-known, and brilliantly told story of the scores of Polish fighter pilots who helped save England during the Battle of Britain and of their stunning betrayal by the United States and England at the end of World W A Question of Honor - The Kosciuszko Squadron - Forgotten Heroes of World War II

by Lynne Olson and Stanley Cloud

Our Price: $18.00
Internet Special $15.19
14 in stock!
In A Traveller�s History of Poland, John Radzilowski vividly describes the beginnings of the country, first fragmented then reborn.  Poland enjoyed a Golden Age in the 15th and 16th centuries, but a gradual decline then led to a loss of autonomy.... A Traveller's History of Poland

by John Radzilowski

Our Price: $16.95
14 in stock!
Truly exceptional varsavianum - a literary notebook containing excerpts from poems, novels, and essays by many renowned authors and beautiful photographs depicting old-time and contemporary Warsaw Literary notebook containing "Warsaw-oriented" excerpts A Warsaw Notebook

Selected And Edited By Marek Zaganczyk

Our Price: $24.95
7 in stock!
The Swedish invasion of 1655, known to Poles ever since as the "Swedish Deluge", provoked the political and military collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the second largest state in Europe. Although the Swedes were ultimately driven out, the "S After the Deluge - Lithuania and the Second Northern War 1655-1660

By Robert Frost

Our Price: $46.00
Internet Special $43.17
2 in stock!
Against the Deluge: Polish and Lithuanian armies during the war against Sweden 1655-1660 Against the Deluge: Polish and Lithuanian armies during the war against Sweden 1655-1660

By Michał Paradowski

Our Price: $69.95
Internet Special $51.03
5 in stock!
A central figure in the Russian and Polish liberation movements, Alexander Lednicki fought for Polish autonomy and for the right of all national minorities to cultural and political self-determination. He participated in the Union of Liberation, organized Alexander Lednicki: A Pole Among Russians and a Russian Among Poles

By Andrew Kier Wise

Our Price: $35.50
2 in stock!
Armies of the Russo-Polish War 1919-21 Armies of the Russo-Polish War 1919-21

By Nigel Thomas and Illustrator Adam Hook

Our Price: $17.95
This wonderful album is a brilliant pictorial history of the 1st Polish Armored Division composed of about 250 photographs, documents and publications largely collected by WO1 Alexander Leon 'Manka' Jarzembowski, a veteran of 2nd Armored Regiment, as he s Armoured Hussars: Images of the Polish 1st Armoured Division 1939-47

By Janusz Jarzembowski

Our Price: $49.95
Internet Special $38.31
This is the touching story of the wife of one of the greatest Polish poster artists of the 20th century. It is the story of growing up in Poland during the 1960's and 70's, the struggles of living there and the couples eventual exit to the West.  Intersp At Hanka's Table

by Hanka Sawka with Hanna Maria Sawka

Our Price: $21.95
Internet Special $17.33
4 in stock!
Aviation Art Of Piotr Gorka, Hardcover Aviation Art Of Piotr Górka, Hardcover

By Piotr Górka

Our Price: $49.95
5 in stock!
Home to Chicago's Polish Village, impressive examples of sacred and industrial architecture, and the legendary Olson Waterfall, Avondale is often tagged as "the neighborhood that built Chicago." Images of America: Avondale and Chicago's Polish Village she Avondale and Chicago's Polish Village: Images of America

by Jacob Kaplan, Daniel Pogorzelski, Rob Reid and Elisa Addlesperger

Our Price: $21.99
11 in stock!
This vivid memoir describes the author’s experiences as young girl in Poland, forced to flee to Warsaw after the Nazi bombing of Brest at the outbreak of World War II. She recounts the realities of life in occupied Poland, including the arrest by the Gest Between Two Evils

By Lucyna B. Radlo

Our Price: $25.00
8 in stock!
The Bieszczady bison is a timid and elusive animal.  It presents a serious challenge for a photographer.  "Bison-Zubr" captures this magnificent animal in its natural environment with 130 color photos. Bison In The Bieszczady Mountains - Zubr W Bieszczadach - Wisent

by Kajetan Perzanowski, photographs by Tadeusz Budzinski

Our Price: $99.00
7 in stock!
The world will always remember November 1918 for the signing of the Armistice and the cessation of WWI. For the Polish nation, this meant freedom for the first time in 123 years. Discover through intriguing text and photographs how the Polish Air Force... British WWI Aircraft in the Polish Airforce

by Tomasz J. Kopanski

Our Price: $26.00
By The Light Of The Paraffin Lamp - W Kregu Swiatla Lampy Naftowej By The Light Of The Paraffin Lamp - W Kregu Swiatla Lampy Naftowej

By Jan Gancarski, Jacek Munia, Elzbieta Slys-Janusz, Maria Twarog, Stanislaw Wilga

Our Price: $125.00
2 in stock!
Casimir Pulaski in Polish and American Consciousness Casimir Pulaski in Polish and American Consciousness

Edited by Janusz Maciejewski, Ewa Bem-Wisniewska and Jacek Wojcicki

Our Price: $25.00
2 in stock!
A romantic trip to the most beautiful castles standing within the borders of today`s Poland -from the royal castle of Wawel, via the Teutonic castle in Malbork, to the Silesian castle in Ksiaz, the castle in Checiny near Kielce and the mysterious castle i Castles In Old Postcards

Printed In Poland

Our Price: $36.00
Chicago's Polish Downtown Chicago's Polish Downtown: Images of America

by Victoria Granacki

Our Price: $24.99
5 in stock!
Children of the Katyn Massacre - Accounts of Life After the 1940 Soviet Murder of Polish POWs Children of the Katyn Massacre - Accounts of Life After the 1940 Soviet Murder of Polish POWs

Journalist Teresa Kaczorowska is the president of the Polish Writers’ Association, Ciechanow Division. She lives in Ciechanow, Poland. Translator Frank Kujawinski lives in Chicago, Illinois.

Our Price: $39.95
3 in stock!
This text explores the nature of Polish Catholicism in the first half of the twentieth century and the changes it underwent under the policies of Soviet Communism. Of particular note are the laws and policies that were employed by the state in order to de Church and State in Communist Poland A History, 1944–1989

Marian S. Mazgaj

Our Price: $55.00
Internet Special $47.77
3 in stock!