Treasures and Gems of Jasna Góra - this title bears incredibly rich meanings. For the pilgrims coming in crowds to face the Mother of God for more than six centuries, the sanctuary on Jasna Góra is filled with treasures of various kind. The first and most important ones seem to be the spiritual treasures. The Mother of God, having chosen Jasna Góra as Her seat, has made, by Her spiritual presence, the sanctuary become a Palace or a House of Mary, the centre of which was Her Throne: the High Altar with the Miraculous Image placed here due to the will of the founder, a Piast Duke, Ladislaus of Opole in 1382, As Our Lady present in Her Holy Image started to live here the place became an inexhaustible source of treasures which were numerous attributes of the Mother of God. The material riches gathered round the altar were only a weak reflection of the magnificence, good and love which took its beginning at the very fact of Mary's miraculous home at the particular place: on the hill of Jasna Góra.
It is not easy to show the multi-meaning of spritual and material treasures and gems of Jasna Góra. It must always be reminded that the Jasna Góra sanctuary is not a dead museum but a place of vivid devotion. The authors of this album tried to find a formula facilitating the understanding of this duality. Art and historical documents carry spiritual values with themsleves. But that art is created and brought to Jasna Góra by people - pilgrims. We know you will enjoy this richly illlustrated and oversized album filled with color photographs and text of this beloved monastary.
- Hardcover
- 302 pages
- Color Photographs
- English language
- 2005 - First Edition With Deluxe Hard Cover
- Size approx 10" x 13.5"