King John III Sobieski was a symbol of the power and meaning of Poland in Europe for centuries. The King's victory in Vienna became not only an event in common history, but also became a national legend. Moreover, King John III is a part of the local history, of our small homeland; so distant, as it would seem, from Wilanow or Kahlenberg. It was John III Sobieski who in 1690 issued a privilege under which agreement Gabriel Rozwadowski founded the town of Rozwadow (presently the district of Stalowa Wola). The figure of John III and the interesting times in which he lived even today inspire further researches, or organization of exhibitions connected with him. To commemorate this great monarch's achievements including his merits for our town the Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola in cooperation with the Historical Museum in Lvov organized an exhibition of historic monuments concerning his times and events. Objects and art works associated with the person of King John III and his epoch, mainly the monuments, which were created in this period including to some extent also later works, testifying the next generations' reverence for the King were collected. The exhibition material constitutes paintings, graphics, prints, textiles, military arms and equipment. The exposition is divided into three parts: In the family circle, Battlefields, The glorification of the King. The supplementation of the exhibition is the book, which includes essays, which bring closer and deepen the the detailed topics connected with the King's achievements and his connections with our region and the posthumous reverence for the person of John III. The main frameworks of the exhibiton are the monuments from the Historical Museum in Lvov, from the Royal Castle on Wawel, Musuem of the Polish Army in Warsaw and the National Museum in Warsaw. The exhibition was also enriched with exhibits from private collections. Lucyna Mizera Director of the Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola 2004
Trailer From The Film "The Battle Of Vienna"