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Starokrajskie Wesele - An Old Country Wedding
John Zurawski and the Old Country Village Musicians present polkas, obereks and village music with the themes of courting, love and marriage.
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John Zurawski and the Old Country Village Musicians present polkas, obereks and village music with the themes of courting, love and marriage.

Song Title Information:

  1. Kazal ci mi Ojciec (Father Told Me)
  2. Dzisiaj Jest Wesele (The Wedding is Today)
  3. Druzbowie, Druzeczki (Ushers and Bridesmaids)
  4. Poczkaj Powiem Mamie (Wait till I Tell Ma)
  5. Jedziemy, Jedziemy (Let's Ride)
  6. Przy Stoliczku (At the Wedding Table)
  7. Ty Skrzypeczku (Hey Fiddler)
  8. Bili My Sie (Fighting Over the Girls)
  9. Rocznicowa Polka (Anniversary Polka)
 10. Ozenilem Sie Po Sw.Janie (I Got Married after St.John's)
 11. Zenil Bym Sie Z Toba (I Would Marry You)
 12. Wyjezdzaj Z Podworca Mojego (Leaving My Yard)
 13. Z Daleka, Z Daleka (From Far Away)
 14. Tak Mi Smutno, Oj (I'm So Sad)
 15. Moja Zonka (Lazy Wife)
 16. Ladnas Dziewcze (You're Pretty Girl)
 17. Jakiem Szla Of Chrzestnej Matki (Leaving Godmother's)
 18. Mialem Ladna Zonke (I Had A Pretty Wife)
 19. Prosto Mego Okieneczka (At My Window)
 20. Damskie Portki (Women's Slacks)
 21. Szla Dziewczyna Droga (As She Walked the Road)
 22. Oj W Lesie, W Lesie (In the Woods)
 23. Jakiem Chodzil Do Kumosi (Visiting My Partner)
 24. Jak Daleko Wisla (Long Wisla River)
 25. Jeszczem Ja Kawaler (I'm Still A Bachelor)
 26. Ozenilem Ci Sie (I Got Married)
 27. Kiedy Wiater Wieje (When the Wind Blows)
 28. Chodzilem Po Gorach (I Traveled Over Mountains)
  • Compact Disc
  • 28 Selections
  • Total Time 72:00

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