The album is a collection of battle illustrations by a well known and appreciated artist – Mariusz Kozik. His works decorate numerous book covers, for instance, Osprey Publishing historical books and WarBook military series.
The album contains illustrations of battle scenes from ancient to modern times. Images which praise the glory of the Polish arms deserve special attention. The majority of paintings are NOT from Polish history.
The artist portrays knights and soldiers in the times of significant historical events. Extraordinary scenes retell the past anew thus evoking plenty of emotions and awakening patriotism. They imbue readers with pride in achievements of the past generations and grant a sense of being unique in the united Europe. In the eyes of recipients from abroad Kozik’s compositions preserve the picture of Poland being a country of fearsome warriors and mysterious and proud winged hussars.
About the author: The artist graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. In addition to being a great painter appreciated at numerous exhibitions and competitions, he is a history expert and enthusiast. All this, combined with his extraordinary personality, consequence and commitment to research has guaranteed creation of many unique works. Prestigious awards for the young graduate in 2000, such as an honorary award for his works presented at Eastern Salon of Art exhibition, Lublin, E.Geppert Foundation Award at the 5th E.Geppert Competition organized within the frame of The 4h National Young Painters Exhibition in Wrocław, and ZPAP President Award at the 5th E.Geppert Competition in Wrocław, testify to the fact that Mariusz Kozik's paintings have been noticed and appreciated. The above mentioned exhibitions became the venue for presentation of the artist’s paintings and installations. In 2007 Marcin Kozik was awarded the Ministry of Culture scholarship. His works have aroused interest of numerous publishers of historical books, including the largest and most famous Osprey Publishing.
Album jest zbiorem batalistycznych ilustracji autorstwa Mariusza Kozika znanego i cenionego artysty, którego prace zdobią okładki licznych wydawnictw m.in. książek historycznych - Osprey Publishing czy militarnych - serii WarBook.
Przedstawia sceny batalistyczne począwszy od starożytności do czasów współczesnych. Szczególne miejsca zajmują te spośród nich, które sławią chwałę Polskiego Oręża.
Artysta przedstawia rycerzy i żołnierzy w doniosłych wydarzeniach historycznych. Niezwykłe sceny na nowo opowiadają o przeszłości dostarczając wielu wrażeń i rozbudzając patriotyzm. W zjednoczonej europie dają poczucie swoistej wyjątkowości i wzmacniają nas siłą wiedzy oraz dumą z osiągnięć poprzednich pokoleń. Czytelnicy z całego świata mają okazję poznać Polskę jako kraj Skrzydlatych Jeźdźców, groźnych, tajemniczych i dumnych.
- Hardcover
- 152 pages
- Full color
- English-Polish Text
- Size 12" x 9.5" - 30cm x 24cm
