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This is a colorful guidebook which children and beginners will find easy to read. The guidebook is spiral bound with thick sturdy pages. Instructions are clear and simple to follow. Includes suggestions for parents, a brief introduction to the craft A Kid's Guide to Decorating Ukrainian Easter Eggs

by Natalie Perchyshyn

Our Price: $9.95
10 in stock!
A wealth of treasured Polish Easter Recipes, Traditions, Crafts and Folklore. Here is the Table of Contents: A Time To Rejoice Fat Tuesday Great Lent Palm Sunday Holy Week Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday Dousing Monday Ascension Of Celebrate Easter Polish Style - Revised Edition

by L. Kozlowski

Our Price: $16.50
11 in stock!
"Easter Slovak Style" is a compendium of slovak customs, traditions, folklore, recipies, and folkarts of the region.  It helps celebrate the priceless treasures of Easters past, and is an inspiration for Easters of the future. 34 pages. Celebrate Easter Slovak Style

by Lawrence G. Kozlowski

Our Price: $16.50
3 in stock!
A useful instruction booklet featuring the pin head technique. It also includes information on crafts for other times of the year. Printed in Czecholslovakia. Delight of Folk Tradition


Our Price: $9.95
Drop-Pull And Pin-Tip Egg Patterns... Slavic Style Drop-Pull And Pin-Tip Egg Patterns... Slavic Style

Spiral Bound

Our Price: $10.00
3 in stock!
Easter Eggs Polish Style and Two Hundred and One Egg Patterns Easter Eggs Polish Style and Two Hundred and One Egg Patterns

By Lawrence G. Kozlowski

Our Price: $16.95
7 in stock!
Eggs Beautiful Eggs Beautiful

by Luciow & Kmit

Our Price: $25.00
7 in stock!
A cookbook of doughs and fillings for the preparation of Traditional Slavic Filled Dumplings and Filled cookies. Filled Dumplings And Filled Cookies... Slavic Style

Spiral Bound

Our Price: $9.95
6 in stock!
A colorful album containing several hundred detailed Pysanky images of Iryna Vakh's original designs.  An accomplished artist and teacher in Lviv with an extensive knowledge of many forms of traditional Ukrainian folk art, Iryna Vakh's background in embro I Will Paint the Voice of a Song - Namalyuyu Holos Pisni

By Iryna Vakh

Our Price: $30.00
15 in stock!
Marguciu Marginimas Aukstaitijoje./ Decorating Easter Eggs in Aukstaitija -Softcover Marguciu Marginimas Aukstaitijoje./ Decorating Easter Eggs in Aukstaitija -Softcover

By Odetra Tumenaite-Brazeniene

Our Price: $60.00
1 in stock!
Descriptions of Easter eggs and designs from the region of Opole.  The emphasis here is on scratched eggs, the artists who make them and their designs.  A few other techniques are also shown including eggs decorated with bullrush pith and yarn.  Short bio O Jajku Prawie Wszystko

By Jerzy Lipka

Our Price: $24.95
9 in stock!
An interesting and colorful guide to pisanki from the Tarnow region of southeastern Poland.  The booklet includes a short history of Polish pisanki followed by 54 full color photographs of real pisanki from the Tarnow region.  Each example includes the na Pisanki - Easter Eggs

Printed in Poland

Our Price: $9.95
10 in stock!
In the town of Ciechanowiec in northeastern Poland is a very special museum dedicated to the history of Polish Easter eggs (pisanki). This booklet was published to highlight one segment of their collection: Pisanki from the Podhale region of southern Pola Pisanki Goralskie W Zbiorach Museum Pisanki W Ciechanowcu

By Jerzy Jasiuk

Our Price: $7.95
9 in stock!
This book is a very comprehensive guide going into great detail of every aspect of the Pysanky Art; the tools, the designs, choosing egg shells and 16 of Helen's most advanced Pysanky designs presented as step-by-step. Pysanky In The 21st Century by Helen Badulak

by Helen Badulak
Master of Pysanky

Our Price: $95.00
9 in stock!
Symbols. Legends and traditions. How to write an Easter egg. Illustrations and photographs. It offers the reader a large and distinctive layer of Ukrainian culture and art of pysanky, which we almost lost during Soviet times. This newest edition contains The Ukrainian Folk Pysanka by Vira Manko

by Vira Manko

Our Price: $29.95
24 new traditional and original designs with step by step directions. Symbolism. Four pages in full color. Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 2

by Perchyshyn and Luciow

Our Price: $9.95
24 Stunning pysanky with step by step instructions. More basic designs. Symbolism. Six page color removable insert. Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 3

by Natalie Perchyshyn

Our Price: $13.95
24 step-by-step pysanky have full color photographs with each design. Includes 3 goose designs and 3 trypillian designs. Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 4

By Natalie Perchyshyn

Our Price: $13.95
Newest design book in the series is a must!  24 stunning Pysanky with step by step instructions - now in color! Symbolism. Softcover. 115 pages. Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 6

By Natalie Perchyshyn

Our Price: $13.95
7 in stock!