The holidays are approaching, yet you still don't know about Poland's holiday traditions? This handy introductory guide to Polish holidays provides just enough factual information to keep you informed, while presenting it all in an easy to digest packet. Contained within is information, pictures, recipes, and songs.
Holidays include the Harvest Festival (Dożynki), All Saints' Day (Zaduszki), St. Nicholas' Day (Mikołajki), Christmas Eve (Wigilia), Christmas (Boże Narodzenie), New Year's Eve (Sylwester), Three Kings (Trzej Królowie), Carnival (Karnawał), Fat Thursday (Tłusty Czwartek), and Easter (Wielkanoc). Impress your family and friends by being informed!
- Softcover
- 25 pages
- 2008
- Some Color photos and illustrations
- Size 6" x 9"