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303 Squadron: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron - Softcover 303 Squadron: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron - Softcover

By Arkady Fiedler

Our Price: $21.95
Sale Price: $15.85
8 in stock!
A Homeland Denied: In the Footsteps of a Polish POW A Homeland Denied: In the Footsteps of a Polish POW

By Irena Kossakowski

Our Price: $22.95
11 in stock!
This is a biography of one of the most undervalued commanders of the Second World War, General Stanislaw Maczek, a soldier overlooked by most military historians in the West both because he was Polish and above politics. A Military Government in Exile

By Evan McGilvray

Our Price: $49.95
5 in stock!
A daughter’s account of her mother’s wartime experiences and postwar struggle to rebuild her life A Polish Doctor in the Nazi Camps

By Barbara Rylko-Bauer

Our Price: $19.95
Internet Special $17.57
6 in stock!
A Question of Honor is the gripping, little-known, and brilliantly told story of the scores of Polish fighter pilots who helped save England during the Battle of Britain and of their stunning betrayal by the United States and England at the end of World W A Question of Honor - The Kosciuszko Squadron - Forgotten Heroes of World War II

by Lynne Olson and Stanley Cloud

Our Price: $18.00
Internet Special $15.19
14 in stock!
Truly exceptional varsavianum - a literary notebook containing excerpts from poems, novels, and essays by many renowned authors and beautiful photographs depicting old-time and contemporary Warsaw Literary notebook containing "Warsaw-oriented" excerpts A Warsaw Notebook

Selected And Edited By Marek Zaganczyk

Our Price: $24.95
7 in stock!
This wonderful album is a brilliant pictorial history of the 1st Polish Armored Division composed of about 250 photographs, documents and publications largely collected by WO1 Alexander Leon 'Manka' Jarzembowski, a veteran of 2nd Armored Regiment, as he s Armoured Hussars: Images of the Polish 1st Armoured Division 1939-47

By Janusz Jarzembowski

Our Price: $49.95
Internet Special $38.31
Aviation Art Of Piotr Gorka, Hardcover Aviation Art Of Piotr Górka, Hardcover

By Piotr Górka

Our Price: $49.95
5 in stock!
Children of the Katyn Massacre - Accounts of Life After the 1940 Soviet Murder of Polish POWs Children of the Katyn Massacre - Accounts of Life After the 1940 Soviet Murder of Polish POWs

Journalist Teresa Kaczorowska is the president of the Polish Writers’ Association, Ciechanow Division. She lives in Ciechanow, Poland. Translator Frank Kujawinski lives in Chicago, Illinois.

Our Price: $39.95
3 in stock!
An inspiring story of unarmed civilians of all ages who took on the Gestapo, the SS, and the Wehrmacht—and outwitted them at least 20,000 times. Code Name: Zegota Rescuing Jews in Occupied Poland, 1942-1945: The Most Dangerous Conspiracy in Wartime Europe

By Irene Tomaszewski and Tecia Werbowski
Foreword by Norman Davies

Our Price: $34.95
1 in stock!
Confessions of a Home Army Executioner: A Memoir of the Polish Home Army Confessions of a Home Army Executioner: A Memoir of the Polish Home Army

By Roger Moorhouse, Marek Sobieralski and Stefan Dambski

Our Price: $29.95
Sale Price: $18.60
3 in stock!
This is a reprint of the extremely scarce study, originally prepared by the Polish Air Force assoc. in London in 1949. as the official English language history of Polish flyers in WW 2. Destiny Can Wait, The Polish Air Force in World War II

by M. Lisiewcz, J. Baykowski, R. Gluski, and W. Czerwinski

Our Price: $39.95
Did the Children Cry: Hitler's War Against Jewish and Polish Children, 1939-1945 Did the Children Cry: Hitler's War Against Jewish and Polish Children, 1939-1945

by Richard C. Lukas
Winner of the 1966 Janusz Korczak Literary Competition for books about children.

Our Price: $14.95
18 in stock!
This book represents an exponential leap in the extent of our knowledge around the period of the German occupation of Poland, and incorporates ideas never previously considered in studies on this subject. It describes a broad research perspective and rais Dissonant heritage? The architecture of the Third Reich in Poland

Edited By Jacek Purchla And Zanna Komar

Our Price: $79.95
1 in stock!
At the outbreak of the Second World War, Poland was a quasi-military State undergoing rapid political and social change. Nevertheless, Britain signed an agreement with the country as part of its decision to adopt a policy of encircling Germany Divided Loyalty: Britain’s Polish Ally During World War II

By Wieslaw Rogalski

Our Price: $49.95
Internet Special $35.00
3 in stock!
Using firsthand, personal accounts, and focusing on the experiences of women, Katherine R. Jolluck relates and examines the experiences of thousands of civilians deported to the USSR following the Soviet annexation of eastern Poland in 1939. Exile And Identity: Polish Women In The Soviet Union During World War II

By Katherine R Jolluck

Our Price: $50.00
2 in stock!
Stanisław Skalski was the top Polish fighter ace and the first Allied fighter ace of World War II. His combat career began on the war’s very first day, September 1, 1939, and within two weeks, First Fighter Ace: In the Cockpit with a World War II Fighter Pilot

By Stanley Stawski, Translated By John Bednarz

Our Price: $21.95
Internet Special $16.14
3 in stock!
Polish pilot Wladyslaw Gnys was credited with shooting down the first two German aircraft of World War II on September 1, 1939. On this day, as Gnys squadron took off near Krakow to intercept the German invaders, German Stuka pilot Frank Neubert attacked, First Kills: The Illustrated Biography of Fighter Pilot Władysław Gnyś

By Stefan Gnyś

Our Price: $34.95
Internet Special $11.99
5 in stock!
In a period of just over two years, from 15 March 1939 to 30 April 1941, ten countries were defeated by Nazi Germany. The speed of these victories allowed some defeated troops to escape, and the hard-pressed Western Allies welcomed these emigrents troops Foreign Volunteers of the Allied Forces 1939-45

by Nigel Thomas and Illustrated by Simon McCouaig

Our Price: $14.95
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Wanda Lorenc watched horrified as the first Wehrmacht soldiers stormed into Warsaw. Jan Porembski witnessed the mass executions of Polish civilians. Barbara Makuch became a courier for the Polish underground until she was caught and tortured. Forgotten Survivors - Polish Christians Remember the Nazi Occupation

Edited by Richard C. Lukas

Our Price: $40.00
Internet Special $34.95
2 in stock!
The Frantic operations were conceived in late 1943 as Soviet forces advanced westward into Ukraine, making Soviet airfields accessible to long-range aircraft based in Italy and later England. American aircraft hit targets in central Europe, refueled and Frantic 7: The American Effort to Aid the Warsaw Uprising and the Origins of the Cold War, 1944

By John Radzilowski and Jerzy Szcześniak

Our Price: $29.95
Internet Special $19.69
3 in stock!
The memoirs of this well known Polish airborne General of WW 2, the author was born in Poland and saw service in the Austrian Army in World War I. He joined the newly created Polish Army in 1918 and served in a variety of command and staff positions durin Freely I Served (Polish Parachute Brigade)

By Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski

Our Price: $39.95
7 in stock!
From Buzuluk To Monte Cassino - Od Buzuluk Do Monte Cassino From Buzuluk To Monte Cassino - Od Buzuluk Do Monte Cassino

By Zbigniew Wawer

Our Price: $49.95
3 in stock!
From Saddle to Parachute Softcover From Saddle to Parachute Softcover

By Col. Gerald Kochan (Ret.)

Our Price: $25.95
9 in stock!