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No Greater Ally - The Untold Story Of Poland's Forces In World War II
No Greater Ally - The Untold Story Of Poland's Forces In World War II
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ISBN: 9781849084796

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By Kenneth K. Koskodan There is a chapter of World War II history that remains largely untold; the story of the fourth largest allied military of the war, the only nation to have fought in the battles of Leningrad, Arnhem, Tobruk and Normandy. In a cruel twist of history the monumental struggles of an entire nation have been forgotten, and even intentionally obscured. This book redresses the balance, giving a comprehensive overview of Poland's participation in World War II. Following their valiant but doomed defense of Poland in 1939, members of the Polish armed forces fought with the Allies wherever and however they could. Full of previously unpublished first-hand accounts, information never before seen in English, and rare photographs, this title provides a detailed analysis of the devastation the war brought to Poland, and the final betrayal when, having fought for freedom for six long years, Poland was handed to the Soviet Union.

Packed with unpublished first-hand accounts and including rare photographs, this is the true story of Poland's armed forces, their courageous resistance and the great betrayal which saw them conquered despite their victory over Germany.


* Introduction
* 1: Dawn of Darkness (the pre-war situation and the invasion of Poland in 1939)
* 2: French Misfortunes (The aftermath of the invasion, and the difficulties of the Polish forces trying to re-form in
France, the fall of France, and the Polish evacuation to England)
* 3: Everything was in Secret (The story of the largest, most complex and most active resistance movement of the war)
* 4: On Wings of Eagles (Air War over Poland in 1939, over France in 1940, and then in England until the end of the war)
* 5: Warriors from a Wasteland (the fate of the hundreds of thousands of Polish POWs and civilians deported to Soviet
camps, and then the 100,000 survivors allowed to re-form a Polish army following Germany's declaration of war on
the Soviet Union.
* 6: A Bloody Job Well Done (1st armored division, their formation, and their role in the Normandy breakout, and on into
* 7: A Bridge Not Far Enough (the 1st Polish Independent Parachute brigade, their formation, and their role in Operation
Market Garden)
* 8: Poles Under Soviet Command (The actions of those Poles unable to leave Russia who fought as part of the 2nd
Polish Corps, fighting under Soviet command from Stalingrad to Berlin)
* 9: Glory and Heartbreak (The Warsaw Uprising)
* 10: For Your Freedom (The devastation wrought on Poland by the war, the post-war settlements and the fate of the
hundreds of thousands of displaced Polish troops and civilians)
* Notes
* Further Reading
* Index
Polish Language Version Title and Description Below:
Najwierniejszy sojusznik

Pod koniec II wojny światowej alianci zdradzili Polskę i oddali ją Związkowi Sowieckiemu. Po ostatecznym zwycięstwie nad Niemcami miliony mężczyzn i kobiet, którzy przez sześć długich lat walczyli o wolność, zostało zdanych na łaskę i niełaskę Sowietów. Okrutnym zrządzeniem historii świat w większości pozostał obojętny na ich heroiczną walkę i ów kończący ją akt zdrady, a rolę, jaką Polacy odegrali w czasie wojny, celowo pomniejszano przez dziesiątki lat. Polacy stanowili w latach wojny czwartą co do wielkości armię aliancką. Po bohaterskiej, ale skazanej na klęskę obronie swego kraju w 1939 roku polscy żołnierze walczyli u boku aliantów wszędzie tam, gdzie potrzebowano ich odwagi i poświęcenia. W ojczyźnie zorganizowali najbardziej aktywny i najskuteczniejszy ruch oporu podczas wojny, całe podziemne państwo ze wszystkimi strukturami, armią, a nawet szkolnictwem. Oto historia Polskich Sił Zbrojnych, obfitująca w niepublikowane dotąd relacje z pierwszej ręki i unikatowe fotografie.
  • Paperback
  • 272 Pages Black and White Photographs
  • Size 5" x 7.75" - 13cm x 20cm
  • 2009

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