Yazcite was a studio project founded by Hanna Turonek and Pawel Betley. Their music draws much of its inspiration from the old chants of the Tatars. Polish people associate the Tatars mainly with the violent and wild tribe which plundered the country. Nonetheless their significant presence on Polish lands is a 600 year old tradition. In modern day Poland their are known as the heroes who fought for the country's independence and also in the military service of the Kingdom of Lithuania and later by King Jan III Sobieski in the 17th century. Today this ethnic group numbers about 5,000 who live mostly in the Podlasie region near Bialystok and Sokolka. In two small villages, Kruszyniana and Bahoniki along old Tatar trails you can come across the oldest mosques from the 18th and 19th centuries, historic cemeteries and original Tatar yurtas.
Kipczak Yazcite W nurtach Nietupy: The currents of Nietupa Stepowy quodlibet Krejzolka Dary króla Sobieskiego: Gifts of King Sobieski Spacer Tatara: Tatars Walk Opowiesc ze Zlotej Ordy: The story of the Golden Horde Bunt Lipków: Revolt of Lipki Piesn o Sokólskich Wzgórzach: Song of the Falcon Hills Orientalny szlak: Oriental route Poranek w Kruszynianach: Morning in Kruszyniany Wolojka tatarska: Tatars wolojka
Jak wyobrazić sobie podróż w głąb bezkresnych stepów wschodu, gdzie w oddali niosą dźwięki tatarskich instrumentów? Projekt Yazcite doskonale wprowadza słuchacza w świat orientalnej muzyki groźnych i dzielnych wojaków, którzy w chwilach wytchnienia uwielbiali śpiewać, tańczyć i bawić się do białego rana. Projekt Hanny Turonek i Pawła Betleya, na płycie znakomici goście, m.in. Tytus Wojnowicz! Yazcite to: Hanna Turonek - flety, dizi, hulusi, zurna, kubyz Paweł Betley - frame drum, darabuka, inst.perkusyjne, harfa celtycka Beata Klatka - wokal Maria Pomianowska - suka biłgorajska, fidel płocka Mateusz Szemraj - lutnia arabska al oud, lutnia perska tar Tytus Wojnowicz - duduk
- Compact disc
- Polish - English leaflet enclosed
- 13 selections
- Total time 41:00