Volume II, adds to the information of the first volume, published in 2006. This beautifully illustrated book continues to tell the story of Haller’s Polish Army in France, Armia Hallera, and subsequently in the Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Soviet War.
Attention is focused on numerous newspaper articles from English and Polish newspapers in the United States as well as American and Foreign magazines and newsletters of the time. Added details on General Jozef / Gen. Josef Haller.
The lives of four officers and three enlisted men are told in detail by family members and associates. The histories of the 48th and 50th Borderland Riflemen have been translated from Polish and are presented in English.
Over 250 color and black-and-white mages are used throughout the book. Maestro Paderewski and his wife Helena are well represented as to their trials and victories. Reports of the progress of World War I are chronologically recorded, as well as the battles fought after the Armistice of 1918 to free Poland and restore it to the map of Europe.