Booklet with the words to all the songs included!
John Gora was born on July 27, 1959, in Poland and emigrated to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, with his parents in 1974.
He learned to play clarinet and saxophone in 1977. John formed a musical group "Gorale" catering to "Continental" music crowds and they played their first polka engagements in the Catskills and at Erie Polka Days. The band has performed throughout Canada, the United States and Europe. As a DJ heard on several radio stations, he has introduced many new immigrants from Poland to polka music.
As a musician, bandleader, vocalist, songwriter, recording artist, DJ, dance promoter, he has been a strong influence in the promotion of polka music and has produced many recordings in demand by his numerous fans. John Gora & Gorale has received several Grammy nominations and John is the recipient of numerous awards for his promotion of polka music.
For his dedication, determination and accomplishments, it is appropriate that John Gora is inducted into the Polka Music Hall of Fame.
1. Karma Chameleon – Polka 
2. Bulletproof – Nie Zmogla Go Kula –Polka
3. Buona Sera – Polka
4. Daleko – Far Away - Waltz
5. Hectic World - Polka
6. Casanova – Baciar Nad Baciary - Polka
7. Kiss Of Fire – Polka 
8. Run Run – Cajun 
9. Hay Stack – Oj Siano Siano - Polka
10. Beata Z Albatrosa – Ballad 
11. Woman – Polka 
12. The Letter Polka 
13. Dark Eyes – Czarne Oczy – Oberek
14. I Surrender All – Wszystko Tobie - Polka Gospel
15. Your Birthday – Urodziny – Novelty Waltz
16. Sto Lat One More Time - 100 Years – Novelty Waltz